Tami has a loving, comforting demeanor...
My father suffered a cerebral bleed in 2002 and this caused him to have ataxia. A friend of ours referred Tami Toms to us and we saw improvement in my father's gait plus his strength within a few months. My father enjoys training with Tami so much that we decided to have her continue working with my father on strength training. We especially appreciate Tami's rehabilitation therapy techniques but most importantly her loving, comforting demeanor.
Lori healed my shoulder...
I had a nagging pain in my right shoulder that wouldn’t go away. I went to the doctor and he gave me an order for physical therapy. I called Mobile Rehab PT and Lori came to my home – after an evaluation she gave me tips for lifting, posture, and home exercises. She worked on my shoulder for 8 sessions...I improved about 75%. I was able to carry my lightweight suitcase when my wife and I went on vacation.
Lori helped me get back to exercise...
Last year I took a bad fall and broke my ribs. I wasn’t able to exercise for several months. My doctor suggested I contact Mobile Rehab PT for help with fitness training. We started with easy movements and now I’m exercising with 3-pound dumbbells and using a resistive band. I needed strength training to help with osteoporosis. I appreciated the guidance and Lori’s home service. I can still enjoy a trip to Hawaii!
Tami helped me return to walking...
On February 18, after returning from working out of town and somewhat tired, I decided to watch the Olympics. I was surprised to have fallen asleep and when I awoke I didn’t realize my foot had gone to sleep. When I stood up my foot was numb and I stood on the tips of my toes, which didn’t hold me, and I fell. As I was falling I heard a "pop" which frightened me and was painful. I didn’t want to call for my husband, who was in bed sleeping, so I crawled to a bar stool hoping I could hold on to it and stand. I knocked over the bar stool and woke up my husband. I could not stand on my foot so he helped me limp to bed and I immediately elevated my foot.
For several days I continued to elevate my foot in bed, at my desk, while I ate, and while I watched TV. I called Mobile Rehab PT and talked to Tami Toms, PT. She evaluated my foot and gave me a schedule for ICE (ice, compression, and elevation), which I did. I used a back wrap to hold the ice pack around my foot and elevated every night for 3 weeks. Tami also taught me exercises for my foot – moving my foot in circular motions and stretching my foot upward.
I missed church the first week of treatment, however, I didn’t miss any social functions since my foot was more comfortable in a higher heel than flats. I found my foot had the most support with a wedge heel for casual, and a high heel short boot for dressy.
Since I am a walker, Tami assessed my walking pattern and made suggestions. I attempted to walk by the 4th week but it was painful and I needed to slow down and let it heal. By the 5th week, I put on my walking shoes and walked 3 miles without pain around our park. I was sore the next day but am confident that I will be walking as usual by the 6th week.
Thank you Tami!
~ Jan