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Balance: To Find It You Have To Lose It

What is balance? During human movement, balance is the ability to stay upright and under control while seated, standing, or in motion. 

A body in motion is a complex set of inputs and outputs. Your central nervous system (your brain) receives input from your eyes, vestibular system (inner ear), and proprioceptors. Proprioceptors are specialized cells that detect changes in muscles, tendons, and joints. Through a complex relay network, your eyes, vestibular system, and proprioceptor cells talk to your brain (conscious and subconscious), which manages all the information in less than an instant to come up with the right answer about where everything is and where it's headed, and what will happen if it keeps doing what it's doing... READ MORE

Breaking News! Get Healthy with Everyday Movement

Is it best to be generally active each day or sit around and then go to the gym three times a week? The best choice is being generally active each day. All those incidental movements we make all day long while gardening, shopping, cooking, cleaning, filing papers and working are far more important for our hearts, health and waistlines than we ever imagined. Turns out, everyday lifestyle activity - not just the occasional exercise session - is the REAL key to wellness.

Want proof? Here are examples of studies that have emerged... READ MORE

Brain Fitness! Let's Think About That...

Are the crossword puzzles and sudoku really as great for exercising our brain as they are reported to be? Why? And what about activities like knitting... READ MORE  

Brain Coach Answers: How can I improve my short term memory? Is there a daily exercise I can do to improve it... READ MORE

For most it's no big surprise to find out the people who have a physically active life style have a decreased risk of Alzheimer's dementia or the number of blocks one walks everyday appears to inversely correlate with the rate of cognitive decline later in life. It sort of makes sense to assume that has to be the case. Here are a few well established facts... READ MORE

 More than 95% of hip fractures among adults 65 years and older are caused by falls. These injuries can lead to reduced quality of life and premature death. Tragically, as many as 20% of hip fracture patients die within a year of their injury.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
